Talega Gallery Calls


We have received reports owners are receiving a call showing on the caller ID as Talega Gallery. The caller is stating they need to schedule an appointment to gain access to their homes. This is not the Gallery, DO NOT GIVE THEM ANY INFORMATION OR ACCESS TO YOUR HOME.  We have reported this to the OC Sheriffs' Department they advised this happens often even with their number.

The Gallery office will always send an email blast notifying owners of a project. The only homes the Gallery office would ever ask for access is Seagarden. In this case, an email blast and posted notice is given.

If you have scheduled an appointment please contact the OC Sheriff.

Lastly, we ask that you please dispose of all Gallery resident directories by shredding them. If you are not able to shred them you may bring your Gallery resident directory to the clubhouse office for proper disposal.

Thank you,